Philco 42-345 - 1942

These are some pictures of the radio when I picked it up.


This is a 7 tube radio. 7B5, 7Y4, XXL, 7B7, XXL, 7B7, and 7C6
The cabinet is in real nice shape for being 64 years old!


Philco put an early antenna in this one.

At 1st look the chassis doesn't look to bad... from the back.

How can the cabinet look so good and the chassis is so bad?
There's going to be some real work needed here, dang.

Needs to be recapped.

Well, there it is, cabinet looks great, chassis is a mess. I guess it goes to
show "you can't judge a book (or radio) by it's cover". It may look gorgeous
on the outside, but be a mess on the inside. I picked this up at an outdoor
flee market for $25. It looked so good on the outside and even what I could see
in the back. I thought it was a sweet deal. Until I took out the chassis! Well
I'll see what I can do with it. It will be a challenge but maybe with some work
I can get it working again and someday it will be playing the sweet sound of
music. Just as this radio was originally made to do.
- Mike

For anyone interested, here is the schematic
and service data for this radio.

PDF File  - Thank you Nostalgia Air !

All photos Copyright © 2002-2006 by
All rights reserved. Use is restricted.